Sunday, May 2, 2004

Native American Herbal Remedies


To Speed Childbirth:

Partridgeberry:  The Cherokee used a tea of the boiled leaves. Frequent doses of the tea were taken in the few weeks preceding the expected date of delivery.

Blue Cohosh. To promote a rapid delivery, an infusion of the root in warm water was drunk as a tea for several weeks prior to the expected delivery date.

To Speed Delivery of the Placenta:

American Licorice. A tea was made from the boiled roots. Broom Snakeweed. Navajo women drank a tea of the whole plant to promote the expulsion of the placenta.

To Stop Post-Partum Hemorrhage:

Buckwheat. Hopi women were given an infusion of the entire buckwheat plant to stop bleeding.

Black Western Chokecherry. Arikara women were given a drink of the berry juice to stop bleeding. 

Smooth Upland Sumac. The Omahas boiled the smooth upland sumac fruits and applied the liquid as an external wash to stop bleeding.

To relieve the Pain of Childbirth:

Wild Black Cherry. Cherokee women were given a tea of the inner bark to relieve pain in the early stages. Cotton. The Alabama and Koasati tribes made a tea of the roots of the plant to relieve the pains of labor.


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