Monday, March 8, 2004

Native American cultural beliefs verses Wicca/New Agers

One thing that I would very much like to clear up is the comparative simularities in the practices of the Native American way of life and the practicing of Wicca and other simular new age beliefs.

I hold all faiths to be an individual thing and judge no man, although I must clarify that the ways of the Native American have been passed down from the ancient forefathers and the old ones to the young warriors for centuries.

These traditions and rituals, ceremonies and beliefs, are held as holy, and were ceremonially performed long before the white man ever came to this land.

There are many religions that also use many of the Native ways. Each incorporates a love and respect for the earth and all living things, acknowledge the spiritual as well as the physical, and use many of the same herbs and ceremonial tools.

I respect that, but the Native American culture and beliefs are not a simular practice. To the true Native, there can be no seperation between man and his interaction with the earth and all upon it.

He respects and holds dear all facets of life and believes in a one true Creator that may be called by different names by many of the different tribes.

Native stories and legends have been passed from generation to generation through the Shaman or the old wise ones of each tribe.

It is not a "faith" that the Native embraces, but it is his culture, not a way of practice of religion that he may or may not freely choose,but it is his bloodline and heritage, it is his life.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a wave hello, and to say I love this journal you are doing. I hope you continue writing, I'll be back to read more! :-) ~lila~