East - Illumination and Wisdom
Spirit keeper of the East - Eagle (Wabun)
March 21 to April 19:
Moon Phase: Budding tree’s moon red tail hawk
Power Animal: Red tail hawk
Mineral: Fire opal
Frequency: 3.6 megacycles
Color: Yellow
Plant: Dandelion
Clan: Thunderbird
Element: Fire
Characteristics: Red tail hawk people look at the world with a sense of wonder. They have a great flair for life and adventure, and are always open to learning something new. Being of the element fire, these people are passionate about everything they do. They are also fearless, and often act without thinking, which causes them to bump their heads a lot. These people cannot lie, for if they do, they are either no good at it, or it makes them ill. So, they are straightforward and not very tactful. If you ask a redtail hawk whether or not he likes your new dress, you are going to hear an honest opinion.
April 20 to May 20:
Moon Phase: Frog’s return moon beaver; New waters moon beaver
Power Animal: Beaver
Mineral: Crysacola.
Frequency: 4.5 megacycles
Color: Blue
Plant: Blue commis
Clan: Turtle
Element: Earth
Characteristics: These are the architects of the shields. Beaver people are usually workaholics who can focus on getting the job done. The results of their work can have great impact on people far away. Beaver people don’t like change in their lives, and must learn to embrace change and to be thankful for the opportunities it offers, even when this is difficult.
May 21 to June 20:
Moon Phase: Corn planting moon deer.
Power Animal: Deer
Mineral: Moss agate
Frequency: 5.26 megacycles
Colors: Green and white
Plant: Yarrow
Clan: Butterfly
Element: Air
Characteristics: In Indian cultures, deer people are referred to as the Einsteins of the shield. They’re the ones with all the ideas. While most people are wondering what to do with their lives, deer people are wondering when are they going to have time to do everything they think of doing. The element air makes them multifacted and changeable. Deer people don’t necessarily finish what they start, but move from one thing to another. Often, they are artists and entertainers, and they frequently have two or three jobs at once.
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