Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Parts of The Medicine Wheel - South

South - Rapid growth and trust

Spirit Keeper of the South - Coyote (Shawnodese)


June 21 to July 22:

Moon: Strong sun moon; warning sun moon

Power animal: Flicker (large woodpecker)

Minerals: Rose quartz, Carnelian agate

Frequency: ????????

Color: Pink

Plant: Wild rose

Clan: Frog

Element: Water


Characteristics: Deer people are good at working with their hands and make excellent massage therapists. As frog clan members, they find it soothing to sit by a stream. And as coyotes, they have an excellent sense of humor. It is good to invite these people to parties.

July 21 to August 22:

Moon phase: Ripe berries moon sturgeon

Power animal: Sturgeon

Minerals: Garnet, iron

Frequency: 74 megacycles

Color: Red

Plant: Raspberry

Clan: Thunderbird

Element: Fire


Characteristics: In Indian cultures, the sturgeon represents royalty, therefore, these people are perceived as princes. They come into the world as teachers, with strong leadership abilities. They are always reading and studying to search for the truth. The information they receive must be shared with others. They have a hard outer shell that can’t be broken by physical force, but which can be opened through peace, love, and harmony. These people are soft inside, and will allow you to know them completely when you come to them in this way. One way to get to sturgeon people is to praise them.


August 23 to September 22:

Moon phase: Harvest moon brown bear

Spirit animal: Brown bear

Mineral: Amethyst

Frequency: 9.8

Color: Purple

Plant: Violet

Clan: Turtle

Element: Earth


Characteristics: Science shows that brown bear people have a high level of neuropeptides in their stomach. Neuropeptides are a substrate of thought, which tells us that thinking is not all in our heads. These people tend to take their gut feelings up into their head to analyze it. As a result, they sometimes lose a sense of what they should do. But if they go with their first feelings, they are usually right. They’re good in business if they don’t overanalyze. As turtle clan members, they are of the element earth, and enjoy picking up rocks and minerals.


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